An Instant in Time

It is somewhat surprising that a movie about World War II raises questions about the Christian doctrine of salvation.  But the movie Fury does so at least in my mind.

In this film a Christian character, Boyd, displays his faith by holding the hands of dying German soldiers and urging them to “in their last moments to call on the name of Christ and be saved”. [1] So what is the question this scene raises?  It appears that Boyd is doing exactly what Christian doctrine says he should do.

The question is simple:  Why would God ordain that salvation be conditioned upon what we say or believe at one instant of time instead of what we do in our entire life?  Is what we do with our entire lives meaningless and of no regard because of what we do at one point in time?  The Christian doctrine of salvation would seem to indicate so.


[1]  Megan Basham, “Fire and Fury”, World, November 1, 2014, pp. 23-24.

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