Elbert P Wipf

My Dad passed away in June of this year at the age of 97.  It is difficult to describe his influence on my life because he was such an integral part of it.  I have been coming to terms with the loss of such a towering figure in my life.  That is why I have not contributed to this blog over the past few weeks. 

My Dad must have enjoyed variety in his work life. It seems that as soon as he mastered one trade he would move on to something else.  He was a farmer, served in the Army at the end of World War II in the Aleutian Islands as a supply clerk, put himself through college working in a warehouse while supporting a wife and four kids, a pastor, a variety of positions in various Christian organizations including a foreign mission agency where he purchased and shipped supplies all over the world, managed motels, managed a lawn and garden equipment shop, was a machinist, and a prison chaplain.

Dad was involved in Christian organizations for most of his life and he remained fully committed to Christianity his whole life.  So when I began to ask questions about Christianity, sparks did fly.  However, in spite of our disagreements, there was never a question that Dad loved me and he did provide much assistance.  Looking back on my relationship with Dad, I realize the greatest gift he (and Mom) gave me was the security of knowing that whatever curves life threw me, whatever dumb decisions I made, there was always a place called home to which I could turn.

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