If you have read my book The Renovation of Our Soul (and from looking at the sales numbers it is obvious most of you have not), you will know that I have been profoundly influenced by the Christian philosopher Elton Trueblood. In his book A Place to Stand he gives a reason for believing in Jesus that I have not heard before. Christ is the only historical figure who was sufficiently revolutionary to justify us following his teachings and to change our soul so it is like his.
“Because we are dulled by familiarity we forget, sometimes, that Christ provides the most revolutionary of conceptions, in that He sees each individual as an unconditional object of divine concern.” [1]
Can you imagine what our world would be like if we followed this teaching of Christ? How many problems would it solve if we treated each person we meet as an unique creation of God. What if we not only believed but also put into practice that well known phase: “That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights”.
[1] Elton Trueblood. A Place to Stand. New York: Harper & Row, 1969, p. 44.