On my way to work, I pass this church that has a message board on its church sign. They do not change the message very often and most of the time it does not grab my attention. Recently it did. It simply stated: “The Bible has all the answers”. Since it seems to be my nature to ask questions, I asked if this statement was true.
In one way it is not true because the Bible does not give us answers on how to address some of the issues our advanced technological society presents to us such as the end of life questions. Considering the value God places on human life, how much medical intervention do we utilize to prolong someone’s life and how does the quality of life enter into this equation? God does not give us specific solutions to all the questions and problems we face.
Looking at it another way this statement is true because the Bible gives us principles that will, properly applied, guide us to the answer we seek. God leaves it up to us to acquire the information necessary to intelligently apply his principles.
So whether you believe the statement “The Bible has all the answers” is true or false depends upon how you approach the question.