Now everyone will agree the Bible is a serious book. It deals with life and death issues and with what happens to us after our life ends. But is God always serious? Does God laugh? If we are made in the image of God, then he must. So why do we not see more humor in the Bible?
I first thought of this topic while reading, of all the places I least expected to find humor in the Bible, the book of Job. Job, in a rebuke to his friends” states:
“No doubt you are the people, and wisdom will die with you.” (Job 12:2 ESV)
When I read the above passage I laughed and thought: What a class act and what a well-deserved put down of his friends’ mistaken view of what had happened to Job. And Job had the presence of mind to say this in the midst of terrible suffering.
If we can find humor in the book of job, where else in the Bible are there examples of humor?