Monthly Archives: December 2018

Questions about Christmas

A few years ago (12-26-2013), we published a blog about whether Jesus was born in a stable or in a private residence.  That prompted me to ask a few more questions about the traditional Christmas story.  These questions will be … Continue reading

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Living by Faith in a Screwed Up World

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow says it more eloquently than the above title does.  At times it does seem that this world is a lost cause.  It is only because we have “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things … Continue reading

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Lucky or Unlucky

When things go our way, we tend to think of ourselves as lucky.  When things do not go our way, we think of ourselves as unlucky.  A recent column in Flying magazine puts a different perspective on this issue. Peter … Continue reading

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Christianity is one of the world’s great religions.  But what is a religion?  Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary defines religion as:  a set of beliefs and practices concerning the cause, nature, and purposes of the universe.  Christianity definitely does that. … Continue reading

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